Majjem Radio @ (H)ear Festival

Saturday November 30th Majjem Radio will do a DJ-set at the (H)ear Festival in Heerlen!

The (H)ear festival is about Sound Art and Experimental Music with lot’s of performances, workshops, installations and presentations of self-made instruments….
Open: 13.30/14.00
Entrance: 10,00 euro

Kunstencentrum Signe
Willemstraat 91a, Heerlen, NL


Pierre Berthet (BE)
Méryll Ampe (FR)
Roughledge aka Cédric Dambrain (BE)
Tropic of Coldness (IT/BE)
Charles Krutzen (NL)
Mario van Horrik and Petra Dubac (NL)
Margriet Kick-Ass (NL)
Joker Nies (DE)
Adolf & Eva (NL)
ZESen’nKwart (NL)
Ziek (NL)
Frans Roovers (NL)
Solar Plex aka Riccardo Bertan (IT)

Workshops / Presentations:
Mario van Horrik and Petra Dubac (NL)
Portable Noise Kremator (NL)
De TekenkingZ (NL)
Duo_BB (NL)

Video / Audio Works:
Sabine Bürger (DE) & Kleefstra|Bakker|Kleefstra (NL)
Stefan Piat (BE)
Temporary Item.s aka Carine Masutti (FR)
Fergus Kelly (IE)
Producer Kant Spin Noyce aka Patrick van Bentum (NL)
Neural Xolot! aka Fabián Avila E (MX)
Joäo Ricardo (PT)

Gonzo (Circus) (B/NL)
Majjem Radio (NL)


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