Hour 1:
Gnod – People
Lp: Say No To The Psycho Right-Wing Fascist Idustrial Death Machine [Rocket Recordings LAUNCH 109]]
Dread – Dread Naught [6.37]
Cd: In Dub [Ant-Zen ACT 352]]
I-LP-O In Dub – Invisible Hands [6.32]
Lp: Capital Dub Chapter 1 [Editions Mego #225]
Age Coin – Damp [8.44]
Lp: Performance [Posh Isolation #186]
Croatian Amor – Refugee [ACCA Version] [Age Coin Remix] [4.14]
Lp: Croatian Amor, Love Means Taking Action Remixes [Posh Isolation PI192]
Aluk Todolo – IV XII MMX
Lp: Archives Vol.1 [The Ajna Offensive/Temple Of Torturous FLAME106/ToT036]
Mlehst – The Difficulty In Crossing A Field
2xLp: The Difficulty In Crossing A Field [Hospital Productions No#]
Hour 2:
Ju Suk Reet Meate – Or Feets; Opus I-III
Lp: Solo 1975-1980 [Alga Marghen Plana-J 19TES.153]
Smegma – The Taster (W.M. Fischer)
Lp: Lookin For Ya [Alga Marghen Plan-S 20TES.154]
Le Forte Four – Ka-Bella-Cha-Cha
Lp: Bikini Tennis Shoes [États-Unis etat04]
Alice Coltrane Turiyasangitananda- Keshava Murahara
2xLp: The Ecstatic Music Of Alice Coltrane Turiyasangitananda [Luaka Bop LBOP-087]
Nate Wooley – For Kenneth Gaburo Part One (Acoustic)
4xCd: The Complete Syllables Music [Pleasure Of The Text Records POTTR13